O Acorde Conceitual do Nazismo: Considerações sobre o conceito de nazismo a partir de uma metáfora musical | The Conceptual Chord of Nazism: Considerations about the concept of nazism based on a musical metaphor



How to Cite

Barros, J. D. (2021). O Acorde Conceitual do Nazismo: Considerações sobre o conceito de nazismo a partir de uma metáfora musical | The Conceptual Chord of Nazism: Considerations about the concept of nazism based on a musical metaphor. Political Observer | Revista Portuguesa De Ciência Política (Portuguese Journal of Political Science), (15). https://doi.org/10.33167/2184-2078.RPCP2021.15/pp.39-56


All fields of knowledge need concepts, which have been well studied in the most diverse disciplines. In this article, we intend to expose the possibility of approaching the construction and understanding of concepts (in all fields of study) associating this with a musical notion — the ‘chord’. The universe experienced for this possibility will be that of the concept of Nazism. We intend to apply the conceptual chord form to the study of a set of minimum characteristics that could configure an adequate concept of Nazism. The objective is to demonstrate, from this example, that this theoretical procedure is also viable for the study of other objects, in the various fields of research.



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